Thursday, September 8, 2011

Free Aveeno Lotion at Target

Here is another great deal to take to Target!

Aveno Daily Moisture Lotion, 2.5 oz $2.99, Regular Price
Use $1.00/1 – Aveeno Skin Care Lotion or Cream, Target Coupon
and Use $2/1 Aveeno Product (Recyclebank)
Final Price: FREE


  1. How do you get coupons from Recyclebank? I joined, but it says I don't have enough points to get the Aveeno coupon. Is the only way to get coupons from this site to "buy" them? Thanks for any help!

  2. And it appears I have to sign up for Colgate's Smile Saver group to get the Target coupon you mentioned above. Is that the case? Sorry, but I'm new to this and got all excited about this deal!

  3. Hi Susan,
    I am trying to figure out Recyclebank too, so this is a learning process for me as well! Please bear with me as I learn more. I am going to have to see if I can find more info on that website and post a comment on the kcsavvyshopper facebook page to see if others have suggestions.
    I will pass on what I learn!
    Thanks for asking,

  4. Hi Susan,
    No worries - learning to coupon can be confusing! I know my first few months were really tough! :)
    For the Softsoap coupon, yes, you do have to sign up with Colgate's Smile Saver, but it's easy. Just a few questions (I think they mainly want your address to mail coupons from what's I've experienced) and then you can immediately print the Softsoap as soon as you sign up. Also, (a little cheat here!), if you press the back button after you print it, it will let you print it another time! Yay!
    Thanks for checking and let me know if you have other questions,
